Market list for genre poetry:

please check out the list that is available at the SFPA
(Science Fiction Poetry Association)

I do have extensive lists of poetry markets in Canada,
ones where poems have appeared in the Best Canadian Poetry Series.
I hope to post these here soon.

I also have a list of top American poetry markets that
take simultaneous submissions, most of which can be submitted
by using submittable.
I hope to post these here soon.

Speculative Poetry Markets - Links to Sites that have Lists

Speculative Poetry Markets (Science Fiction Poetry Association)

Canadian Markets - Links to Sites that have Lists

A Guide to Canadian Literary Magazines (National Magazine Awards)
A guide to Canadian literary magazines and journals open to submissions (CBC)

American Markets - Links to Sites that have Lists

Canadian Markets - My List of Links

The Antigonish Review
ARC: Canada's National Poetry Magazine
Border Crossings
Brick: A Literary Journal (solicits poetry)
Bywords (past or current Ottawa residents)
Canadian Dimension (no poetry)
Canadian Literature
Canadian Woman Studies
Canadian Writer's Journal
Carousel Magazine
TCR - The Capilano Review
Chickadee Magazine
CV2 - Contemporary Verse 2
The Dalhousie Review
dANDelion magazine

Exile Magazine
Existere - Journal of Arts and Literature
The Fiddlehead
the fieldstone review
filling station
Forget Magazine
FreeFall Magazine
Grain Magazine
Horizon Magazine
Line (formerly West Coast Line)
Literary Review of Canada
maisonneuve magazine
The Malahat Review
The Montreal Review
The Nashwaak Review
TNQ - The New Quarterly
NQ - Newfoundland Quarterly
On Spec - The Canadian Magazine of the Fantastic (genre)
Paperplates Magazine
Prairie Fire
The Prairie Journal
PRECIPICe - A Literary Journal
Prism International
Pulp Literature (genre)
Queen's Quarterly
Quills Erotic Poetry
Riddle Fence
Room Magazine
sub-TERRAIN Magazine
Taddle Creek Magazine
The Capilano Review
THIS Magazine (solicits poetry)
Tower Poetry
Vallum - Contemporary Poetry
White Wall Review
The Windsor Review


Here are some American journals,
this list is very old, and will need updating:

American Markets